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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Hair Extensions: Get Your Perfect Look Today

Investing in a set of hair extensions can truly transform your appearance, giving thick, full hair where there wasn't before. For this reason, this kind of treatment is becoming increasingly popular with women who have naturally thin and fine hair, and want to remedy that.

There are a number of different types of hair extensions available on the market, specifically including synthetic and human hair extensions. The latter is a very popular choice, as it gives the most natural looking finish and can be treated and styled just like your natural head of hair - because it too is natural.

Although this type of treatment can look great, it is also a real investment of money, with the most upmarket salons offering the best treatments for hundreds of pounds. With this in mind, it is absolutely essential to look after your real human hair extensions in a very particular way to make sure that they last as long as possible.

It should be noted, however, that one of the top pieces of advice from salon owners and hairstylists is that any type of extensions - whether curly hair extensions or straight ones - should be seen to and replaced on a semi-regular basis. Damage will occur over time to the product, as well as to your own hair, and therefore expert treatment is strongly advised.

The first thing to bear in mind when looking after your extensions at home is that you will need to treat them better, and with greater care, than your own hair. This is for two main reasons, the first being that they do not benefit from the natural scalp oils that your own head of hair does, as they are not actually growing out of your scalp.

These natural oils are essential for keeping your hair nourished so you will need to make sure that your extensions are even more nourished. This can be especially true of curly hair extensions, which can be prone to frizz and need to be moisturized intensively to stay in good condition.

These hair products have also been subjected to harsh treatment - including extensive heating, coloring and sanitizing - before they were applied to your hair. For this reason, it is necessary to give them an extra level of treatment for them to last as long as possible.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Dead High Fashion: The Zombie Halloween Costume

Zombie Halloween costumes are the most fun and interesting to create. There are so many variations to how zombies can look that you don't have to stick to one set formula for the costume. All you need to remember is that zombies are walking corpses and they need to look like they were recently killed.

This means you want to have a lot of fun with coloring your skin different colors like green or brown. But most importantly, you want to have blood stained clothes and possibly even blood coming from some area of your body. Obviously, you will be using fake blood that you purchase from an outlet or novelty store. If you want to get really creative and are limited on resources, you can use ketchup for the blood.


You need to first choose what kind of zombie that you want to be. Are you a businessperson that
turned into a zombie? How about a cheerleader? Start off with clothes which resemble the type of person who was killed and then transformed into a zombie. So, if you were a business person then you would wear a suit and tie, dress shirt, khakis, and/or dress pants. If you are a cheerleader, then you would wear a short skirt which resembles the colors of a particular school. Whichever outfit you choose, make sure you won't want to wear it again in your regular life because you are about to really mess it up.

If you want to depict how the zombie was killed originally, you could use the fake blood to design wounds on the clothes which resemble stabbings or gunshots. If you have any specialized accessories, like fake knives, which you can have stuck out of your body, that would be even better. Otherwise, just squirt a bunch of fake blood in different areas of the clothing. For added appeal, make a few tears in the fabric of the clothing so that it looks scarier.

Basic Makeup
The makeup will be the most important part. You could have all the blood on your clothes that you want, but it won't make much of a difference if your face does not look like zombie's face. Therefore, you will want to either purchase a special zombie makeup kit or simply gather together some white face paint, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and black lipstick. These will be your essential makeup items for creating a scary zombie face. The end result should be a pale white face, black eye sockets, a black outline around the eyes, and black lips. If you want to add blood makeup to areas of the face, that will be good too.

Advanced Makeup

So far, you have a basic zombie look which includes blood-stained clothes and a zombie's face. If you want to take your zombie costume to the next level, you can use add contact lenses, prosthetics, and/or fake teeth. The most advanced will be the contact lenses because these will make your eyes actually look like zombie's eyes. You can get lenses that will make your pupils look green, yellow, black, red, or whatever else you want. Any full zombie costume will certainly have contact lenses like these. You can purchase them online at a number of Halloween stores.

Fake Teeth And Prosthetics

Fake teeth and prosthetics can be purchased anywhere, although the higher quality ones will need to be purchased at a Halloween store. Some of the prosthetics available can help create the appearance of stitched skin, facial deformities, scars, open flesh wounds, and hanging skin. As for the teeth, you can either use teeth makeup or just put it fake teeth entirely over your real teeth. The fake teeth will look green, rotten, and maybe even bloody! Just use your imagination and have fun with it.

Ann Taylor


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